China University and College Admission System

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hope you are keeping well.

As a part of our continuous Educational Project Management Activities, Xavier-Alltere is proud in announcing a commission amount of $4000 per student for its American MD Program. This would be a booster offer to all our business associates. Following the great demand and response for our American MD, Xavier-Alltere which initially offered an amount of $2500 per student (after the payment of first year’s fee) now offers to pay $4000 (which will be paid as $1000 a year).

Xavier University is a rapidly-growing medical school located in the Netherlands Antilles. Its Board of Trustees is primarily American physicians who practice and teach medicine in USA. It was founded, with the object of granting sound medical education to motivated individuals regardless of their background.

ALLTERE education Group has its registered office in Hong Kong. It has its partnerships with TOP universities in CHINA, Philippines, India and Netherlands Antilles. Has Regional offices in China, Philippine, India, Thailand, Mauritius, Rwanda & USA. Manages over 1500 students from 40 nations in their programs in China & Philippines. Has associate offices in over 30 Nations.

American MD is a program that is specially designed for students who want to get medical exposure from USA. We are also developing programs in Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and Optometry whereby the last year or the last 2 years are credit transferred to Universities in USA, UK, Australia Etc Developments of credits transfers are underway. More details at and

For further details you may contact our